Safety is a priority for us!
Service centre
DAKO-CZ, a.s. provides repairs and servicing to all devices that the company manufactures, or that were manufactured in the past.
In the last twenty years, there has been a significant increase in the manufacture of brake sets – both pneumatic and hydraulic. Thanks to this situation, the need for overhauls, medium and large repairs, as well as individual repairs, is gradually increasing.
Our company is responding to the ever-increasing demands of end users by opening a repair shop. The repair workshop, or a service centre, if you will, is located directly in the premises of DAKO-CZ, and has modern technologies that allow meeting the needs of customers to the maximum extent.
In the field of pneumatic equipment, we focus mainly on repairs of:
- devices for railway trucks,
- devices for passenger wagons,
- devices for locomotives,
- devices for railway superstructures, which include: repairs of switchboards, auxiliary valves, brake release valves OS1, brake cylinders, bearing sensors SL2, delay adjusters, disc brakes, panels, OL2 brake releases, generators, N8 valves, emergency brake pressure-relief devices, emergency brake valves, BS2-BP-BSE brakes, RV3 brake valves and non-return valves.
In the field of hydraulic equipment, we focus mainly on repairs of:
- all brake units produced by DAKO-CZ, a.s., which include in particular: power units, M1 brake, EVO brake, brake units and sets particularly for trams 15T, 14T, 13T.
Most brake parts for railway needs and trams are provided in an interchangeable way, which contributes to a significant reduction in repair time of the end users.